Following our formal submission of the Plan and all its supporting documents on 11 October 2020, Breckland Council formally published those on 29 October 2020, at what is known as the Regulation 16 stage. That triggered a six-week consultation, that closed at 5.00 pm on 10 December 2020.
Breckland Council comments on the Neighbourhood Plan, Basic Conditions Statement and Consultation Statement
breckland_council_reg_16_comments_on_the_neighbourhood_plan.pdf |
breckland_council_reg_16_comments_on_the_basic_conditions_statement.pdf |
breckland_council_reg_16_comments_on_the_consultation_statement.pdf |
Other consultee comments
Breckland Council extracted, summarised and consolidated the above representations into a single list, as given below. We have not checked the accuracy of this summary, and recommend the original documents (above) are referred to.
saham_toney_representations__comments__-_reg.16_extract.pdf |
Breckland Council was responsible for organising this consultation, and provided details about how to make comments (and view paper copies of the documents if you wish) - see the Council's announcement below, in both image and pdf form:
REPRESENTATION FORM (as provided by Breckland Council)
WORD Format
PDF Format