Group members at April 2022 are:
Chairman: Roger Harrold Tel: 01953 883394 email: [email protected] Treasurer: Barbara Harrold Tel: 01953 883394 email: [email protected] Archivist: Brian Mitchell Tel: 01953 889550 email: [email protected] New members are always welcome. If you would like to join or simply find out more about what the group does, please contact any of the above. |
This page aims to briefly explain the work of the Heritage Group and to provide a summary of the information it holds
As is explained in the Neighbourhood Plan, Saham Toney has a long and distinguished history dating from before the Iron Age. The heritage group collects, collates and holds records of that history in a wide variety of original and copied documents, pictures, maps and electronic discs and files.
Over the years, village history has been researched and documented by a number of archivists including:
Over the years, village history has been researched and documented by a number of archivists including:
- Mr H N Wells-Cole: Parish Council Chair for many years: particularly documented Historic documents and maps
- Bertie Amys: Long-serving Parish Clerk who collected many historic documents and correspondence from pre-war times.
- Robin Brown: Author of a history: “Shadows on the Summer Grass.” A detailed document covering multiple historical topics pre-historical times. Author of “Saham Toney Index of Names,” a comprehensive list of virtually every citizen of Saham from late Mediaeval Times to mid-20th Century documented at detail level. He also wrote many articles for the village magazine.
- John Williams: Multiple articles published
- Currently (April 2022), Brian Mitchell: Assembled historic documents from multiple sources, initiated a formal indexed collection and wrote a History of Saham in the Wayland Partnership series “Capturing Our Wayland Heritage”. Co-wrote “How Saham Toney Has Been Shaped Through History”. (LINK)
The heritage library is used as a reference to prepare a monthly Saga Magazine article and to respond to specific enquiries from villagers or others who may be interested. The information is held in both physical and electronic form. Over the last twenty or so years it has been the source of information for a number of public events.
The Group’s Future Plans
The Heritage Group and the Parish Council plan to make the group’s information more widely available and at the time of writing (April 2022) discussions are in hand to:
The Heritage Group and the Parish Council plan to make the group’s information more widely available and at the time of writing (April 2022) discussions are in hand to:
- Identify and equip a location where the records may be kept available for public access;
- Establish a process whereby records can be collected, assembled, displayed and used as a source for publication
Information the Group Holds:
The extent of the group’s current archive, which is stored partly in physical form and partly electronically, may be summarised under the following main index headings (click on the + sign to expand each section)
The extent of the group’s current archive, which is stored partly in physical form and partly electronically, may be summarised under the following main index headings (click on the + sign to expand each section)
- Many of the historic buildings including those which are listed
- Documents published in announcements of sale
- Mills, Public houses and farms
- Representative planning documents, both accepted and rejected
- Planning Policies applicable to Saham
- A historic selection of monthly ecclesiastical magazines
- “United Charities” and its history and original participants
- Almshouses
- Footpaths and wildlife
- Clubs and societies
- Recreation (e.g. Public Houses)
- Celebrations – e.g. Silver Jubilee Celebrations
- Street naming and numbering
- Gardens open to the public
- Saham Mere
- Local Transport
- Village Fetes
- Village gardens “Open Days”
- Exhibitions
- Tractor rallies
- Highways
- Public houses
- Mains drainage
- Water supplies
- Electricity
- Football
- Cricket
- Foxhounds
- School sports
- Darts
Historic (including Tithes, published books, Acts of Parliament)
- Poor Laws
- Roman-British history
- Village surnames
- Enclosures
- Archaeological finds
- Published histories (Kelly’s, William White’s)
- Parish Registers
- Domesday Book
- Saham Manors
- The de Toeni family
- Crests and Genealogy
- Historic families: de Beaumont, de Ferrers, Bigod etc.
- Land Conveyances, Mortgages
- Blacksmiths
- Coaches and buses
There are no sub-categories for this item
- Old series: 1824-38, Parish Boundaries
- Aerial views: RAF, Luftwaffe
- The Plan itself, and selected documents that support it
- Women’s Institute
- Guides and Brownies
- Heritage Group
parish council
- Council Management and Finance
- Planning
- Finance and Accounts
- Playing Fields and Parish Lands
- Telephone, Notice Boards, Roads
- Relation with Swaffham and Breckland
- St George’s Parish
- Methodist Chapels
- The Fountain of Life
- Sunday Schools
- Weddings
saham saga
- Selected Historical Copies
- Parkers C of E School
- Goffe's Boys’ School
- The Girls’ School
- The Old College
- Miss Noble’s School
- Saham Hills Infants’ School
- Saham history linked to national events
village characters
- Family Records
wells-cole community centre
- Creation
- Management
- Events
saham at war
- WWI memorials and stories of individuals
- The people’s war: food parcels, memorials
wayland villages
- Individual Histories “Capturing our Wayland Heritage”
- Watton Local Plan