In lieu of a meeting at the village hall during the COVID-19 restrictions, here we are providing a set of presentations to update villagers and others on progress on the Plan and the changes made to it since the consultation of autumn 2019. These are split into 7 different topics as shown below. If perhaps you lack time or inclination to read all the material, please have a look at the summary 'coffee break' version. If you'd be interested in an online Q&A session in due course, please fill out the short form at the foot of this page (your email is needed so we can inform you of such a session). If you download or view online one or more files, we'll be grateful if you could enter "yes" in the form below so that we can understand how many people are using these files (that form is ananymous). And there's one other anonymous form where you can briefly tell us what you think of the slideshows
Update 14 June 2020: Since these slideshows were first uploaded in May 2020, progress has been made on a number of the topics covered, particularly SEA, HRA, a flood risk study and a health check of the Plan, It has also since been decided to repeat a Regulation 14 consultation. When time permits the applicable slideshows will be updated accordingly
This version summarises the key points of the detailed slide-shows given below. It's only 9 pages long so can be read in 5-6 minutes, perhaps 10-12 if you also read all the pop-up notes it includes
Updated Sep. 2020
Updated Sep. 2020
More detail on villager comments
More detail on Breckland Council comments